Kindling is a newsletter for people with boring lives and active imaginations.
Spend your week getting to know the best dark fiction has to offer, from Black Mirror to Bram Stoker, Stephen King to Nabokov, windigo myths to nuclear fallout. Get in touch with the stories that shape our dreams and nightmares, and follow as I ask the age old question: why do we like them.
Sleep Tight: Each month, you get original short and serialized speculative fiction, spanning horror, sci-fi, crime, thriller, and supernatural genres.
Binge: You get the best of the dark side, curated content that explores the dark and mysterious places of the imagination. Binge-worthy books, television and movies, sent to your inbox.
The Barrens: Welcome to Kindling’s first book club, where we’re reading through all things Stephen King. To get on schedule and meet the fellow kindlings, check out the reading list here.
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Posts every Thursday, giving you the best in dark fiction. Find books, shows, and movies that stick with you.
Every month you receive original short fiction and serialized stories.
Monthly book club meetups. Connect with other lovers of dark fiction on the first Saturday of every month.
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Weekly access to Kindling podcasts, covering dark fiction and behind the scenes details of your favorite books
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A Sampling
Kindling is growing!
This newsletter would be nothing without readers. If you enjoy mystery, suspense, intensity, and imagination, this is the place for you. Know someone who might like Kindling? Share it! If you’re a fiction writer and you’re interested in contributing something, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Who is Shaina Read?
I’m the writer behind Kindling! I’m obsessed with staring into the abyss. It started with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark at the elementary school book fair, and thirty years later, it hasn’t stopped.
I’m an eclectic curator of the macabre and sinister, an adrenaline junkie of the mind. I love the written word, dark media, and creative storytelling of all kinds.