The first person perspective is so very effective here. Puts the reader on the defensive, not wanting to be the bad character, the weak link, the misery loving company.

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I liked this story. I think American culture has made a mistake in treating alcoholism as a more-or-less harmless and somewhat amusing foible. I haven’t touched alcohol in over two years now. The reason I gave it up are related to the issues you raised in your story. (There was a minor typo in the first sentence. I think you meant to write “peddle” instead of “pedal”)

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Thanks for the edit! It's an interesting line to toe. I've seen plenty of people who drink alcohol regularly without it being an issue. But I've seen plenty of hardcore substance abuse too. Good for you for knowing that line. It can be very personal and extremely easy to justify it if you're not losing your family and job over it.

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