I think this is a great example of King doing his ensemble pieces/characters extremely well. He manages to give each character their own weight in such a relatively short space.

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I wrote in an earlier post that I've read Night Shift many times over the years. Now I must confess, I've always skipped over "Trucks". I do not like this story. Never made it past the first few paragraphs (I did force myself to read it yesterday). Difficult to articulate exactly why, but I'll give it my best shot. It's not the ludicrous premise. At least half the stories in this collection are just as bizarre if not more so. It doesn't stop me from enjoying them. Come to think of it, I've never read Christine either. Sai King is always swinging for the fences, usually with good result. I guess, I just don't dig the whole murderous machines trope (unless said machines were actively designed for murder, then I can enjoy). Chock it up to a failure of imagination on my part, I suppose. Another great review though Shaina! Always a pleasure to read your take.

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It's amazing this great story became such a terrible, terrible movie.

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