Shaina, this really got under my skin as I read. I was expecting a good hook in this first part but this ran the gamet of emotions and sensations. An amazing cascade from the memories of old pains and more recent scabs that defy healing, thru fear that morphs into anger and rage, and then amazement and wonder, and discovery of a mutual respect and a need to care for a fellow being in distress without second thought. And there's an invitation at the end that requires a continued trust... All in the middle of dark and cold to take a path unknown. I don't know if I would even get past fear...
Shaina, this really got under my skin as I read. I was expecting a good hook in this first part but this ran the gamet of emotions and sensations. An amazing cascade from the memories of old pains and more recent scabs that defy healing, thru fear that morphs into anger and rage, and then amazement and wonder, and discovery of a mutual respect and a need to care for a fellow being in distress without second thought. And there's an invitation at the end that requires a continued trust... All in the middle of dark and cold to take a path unknown. I don't know if I would even get past fear...
Frank thank you as always for reading! I appreciate your thoughtful feedback on each post and look forward to them.
Wonderful writing!!! Thrilling description
Oehhhh, interesting cliffhanger. Curious to know what's fiction and what's not here 😄.
I'll give you a hint. Everything about the deer is true...
That's a big hint! Pretty scary tbh
I’m joking Thomas. That part is definitely fiction! Have no fear
Ha, I totally believed that